BIG Move Teams

We are looking for those interested in being a part of our Church Move. Sign up where you are interested!

Meal Train® for CTK Hope Construction Crew

We are so blessed by the men and women who are volunteering their time and talents to the new building project. That being said we want to open up the opportunity for our church community to be a part of the process in many different ways. What better way than to feed the laborers!

Summer Ladies Nights

Ladies invite your friends for some summer night fun!  Once a month throughout the summer we will be gathering together for fellowship, food and fun!  

June 14th - Picnic - bring a dish to share - 18190 Best Road, Mount Vernon
July 12th - Project - we hope to work together at the new building - Location TBD
August 9th - Praise and Worship night - Location TBD

Current Events